Saturday, 21 February 2009

Last weeks in Langkawi

We are entering out third week here in Langkawi and many things have been accomplished. Two new Solar Panels installed, 4 new 6 volt batteries and a 5 day charter with Mister Bill from Singapore! That was a big boost on our depleted funds and a great time! We did a trip around the island and visited anchorages we hadn't seen before and re visited some good old anchorages we hadn't seen since our arrival in Malaysia in March 2008! Charters are a sure way of making good money while having a good time and sharing our quite unique way of life. Big Thank you Mister Bill for coming with us!

All in all we are looking real good to leave Telaga in about a weeks time towards Penang where I am hoping to drag Russ with me, for a good medical check up at the amazing Penang Hospital facilities, in case you don't know, Penang is a major destination for Medical Tourism which is a growing trend in Asia. So all going well we should be leaving to Sumatra by first week of March. Can't wait!

Ah, before I forget, we are updating photos on our webalbum, if you have time and patience go check it out!

Monday, 2 February 2009

Leaving Thailand

So it's been what, a bit less than a year since we arrived in Thailand waters and of the last year we spent a good 6 months here. The place is not what it used to be, no doubts about that. Especially Phuket. The construction is madneing, the traffic is chaotic and the Thais unfortunately have lost their ways around here, but still, there is something very homely about this place, especially our little corner in Phuket called Ao yon. Over the  last  days we have been rushing around shopping and doing things for the boat and now are finished with the place and will clear out today and head down to Langkawi - Malaysia t get our new solar panels!!! Our first step towards going across the Indian Ocean.

So I would like to leave here a BIG THANK YOU for all our guests during our time in KRABI! You guys helped us heaps and we hope we have instilled in you a bit of our healthy craziness. LIVING LIFE IS EVERYTHING!

BYE BYE THAILAND, SEE YOU WHEN WE SEE YOU... hopefully for some shopping with the girls in a near - distant future...  ; )