Thursday, 12 March 2009

Hi you guys,finally we have a weather forcast which looks like we will have a bit of wind to cross to Banda Aceh at the top of Sumatera,only a 200 mile sail but better than a 200 mile motor. We are really looking forward to going back for more surf but also to see all the people we met last year.It really makes it a bit less stressful when you have covered the area before so... bring it on!We have really loved Asia But looking forward to this year and some real sailing in southeast trades all the way to Africa.The boat is in great condition at the moment and with our new solar panels we have basically given the petrochemical giants a big fuck off finger as we no longer run the engine to charge batteries. With some big sailng distances ahead this year I am sure there will be a few bumpuckering moments but the rest of it will be fantastic! Cheers

Friday, 6 March 2009

Well, still in Langkawi...

A bit of a change of plans will see us here in Langkawi for another week! And I can't blame the Good bye party... actually a bit embarrasing to have a Good-Bye Party and don't leave, but I guess it will be a great oportunity to just do another one before we leave for real!

The plan now is to leave straight from Langkawi to Sumatra as we've been told that boats can get 2 months visa on arrival in Indonesia, instead of getting the social visa (which is valid for 3 months). As we only going to stay (well, officially at least...) for 2 months, then we don't need to go all the way to Penang to get the visa at the Embassy etc. So we decided to stay here and blow more money... YES! More money! Just bought a beautiful 9.8 hp Tohatsu outboard and we are just styling! The outboard weighs only 26kg (instead of the almost 40 kg from our previous 15hp) and is so quiet and so poweful. We are loving it! Should have taken a photo really, forgot, sorry! I blew a bit of money too and went to the hair dresser - again! - and cut my hair even shorter! No photos yet, sorry again...

So the plan now is to get our final touches done and hope to be leaving by next Wednesday with the full Moon. Check the webalbum for some cool photos of the party! I will leave you with a little taster:

Ah, I have added the link to the Brazilian Magazine we've been writing to, we appear on the Editions: 36 to 39 (we have two more articles to be published by them). I am still waiting to hear on the article to be published on Australian Multihull, if anyone sees it, let me know!