Tuesday 19 April 2011

Getting closer to Brazil!

Finally Russell managed to get some news across! All is going well and by the looks of it, the wind is wonderful! The last update he was doing an average of 10knots. His ETA then was Friday the 22nd of April in Angra dos Reis... Brisa and I have our fingers crossed!

He will be arriving in the middle of the Easter Holidays, absolute mayhem all over Brazil... so his timing could not be much worse in terms of getting things done but it will surely give him a lively welcome as everything is jam packed with people.

The down side is that my family is unable to be there as everything is full already and we can´t find any accomodation whatsoever... such a shame. But everyone is getting organized to visit.

I am leaving Brasilia on friday morning with Brisa hoping to either go straight to Angra to join Moonwalker or wait in Rio with family if he doesn´t show up on Friday.


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